Palm Reading

How to Read Palms

What if I say your fortune, your health, your wealth, and your lifeline all reside in the midst of your palm? Interesting, isn’t it? From all the divine practices that is being followed even now, palm reading is a highly regarded practice. Also known as chiromancy or palmistry finds its roots back in ancient Indian astrology, spreading throughout the Eurasian landmass of China, Persia, Tibet, Egypt, and Greece.  At one point in time, the practice of palm reading has vanished around the Middle Ages. But it happens to revive in the 19th century. It was soon even integrated into American pop culture.

But what is palm reading and how do we practice it? The main objective of the practice is to evaluate the current or future of the person’s character and his wellbeing by reading his palm. It’s insightful to know more about someone and also oneself by reading one’s palm.

Ways to reading Palm

  1. Decipher the lines:
    • There are multiple lines going here and there in your palm if you see, each and every line has a definitive meaning. It is said that for women that their right hand is the one that their born with and the left hand is what they have accumulated throughout their life. For men, it is completely the opposite.
    • Now whichever hand can be chosen is the dominant one. The dominant hand would be the present and past life hand and the non-dominant hand will be the future life hand.
    • There are four major lines in your palm. The majority of people happen to have 3 lines namely- The Heart Line, The Head Lone, and The Lifeline. And only some people have the fourth line which is the- The Fate Line.
    • Start off by reading the Heart Line (Starts from the pinkie finger and goes up to the index finger). This line is believed to indicate the emotional stability, depression, cardiac health, and perspectives of romance.
    • For example- If the heart line begins from the middle of the palm, it means that the person falls in love easily, if it is straight and short, the person is less interested in romance, if it touches the lifeline- that means his/her heart is broken easily and also if the line is long and curvy- it means the person freely expresses emotions and feelings.
    • Eliminate the Headline- This line represents the concerned person’s learning style, communication, intellectualism, and thirst for knowledge.
    • Many interpretations are in here some are- if the line is to be curved it is associates with creativity and spontaneity. In case the line is straight it means the person is linked with practicality and a structured approach. If the line is short- the person prefers physical achievements over mental ones. If the line is a curved sloping line- the person is attributed to creativity.
    • Interpreting the Lifeline- The lifeline begins near the thumb and travels in an arc towards the wrist. It reflects the person’s physical health, general well-being, and major life changes. Also, just because the line is longer in one’s palm it does not mean the person will lead a long life.
    • Some of the interpretations are as follows: if the line runs close to the thumb- that means the person gets often tired. If the line is long and deep- this means that the person has vitality in life. If the line is short and shallow- this means the person is easily manipulated by others. In case the line swoops in a semicircle fashion- this means the person is full of strength and enthusiasm.
    • The Fate Line: The majority of the people have all the three lines discussed above, but this fate line is present in only a few people. This fate line is also known as the destiny line. And it happens to indicate the person’s life is affected by the circumstances that happen to be beyond their control. This is the line that begins at the base of the palm.
    • Some of the basic interpretations are as follows: if the line is deep- then the person’s life is strongly controlled by fate, if the line is in the form of a broken part- then the person ‘s life is prone to many changes in life from external forces. If the line starts to join the lifeline- then the person is a self-made individual and develops aspiration early on in his life.
  2. Deciphering the Hand
    • The Hand Shape:
      • The handshape for every individual is different or sometimes maybe the same. The handshape is completely associated with certain character traits. The length of the palm is measured from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers.
      • Some of the basic interpretations are as follows: If the hand is broad and consists of squared palms and fingers which happens to be thick or coarse skin and the length of the palm equals the length of the fingers, in that case, it refers to ‘Earth’. This means that the person who has solid values and energy, often stubborn, highly practical, and responsible, is the kind of person who is not afraid to get his/her hands dirty. Some of the basic interpretations are as follows: If the hand is broad and consists of squared palms and fingers which happens to be thick or coarse skin and the length of the palm equals the length of the fingers, in that case, it refers to ‘Earth’. This means that the person who has solid values and energy, often stubborn, highly practical, and responsible, is the kind of person who is not afraid to get his/her hands dirty.
      • If the person has square or rectangular palms with long fingers and sometimes protruding knuckles, low-set thumbs, and dry skin, the length of the palm are less than the length of fingers- in these cases the concerned person happens to be sociable, talkative, witty, spiteful, and cold. He/she does things in different and radical ways.
      • If the person’s palms, happen to belong, sometimes oval-shaped palm, with long, flexible, conical fingers, length of the palm equals the length of fingers but is less than the width across the widest part of the palm, in that case, the person will be creative, perceptive, and sympathetic.
    • The mounts:
      • Also, after looking at the hand shape and interpreting the fleshy bit below your fingers, on the opposite side of your knuckle which happens to be the mounts are to be interpreted.
      • A high Venus mount (the one under your thumb) indicates a predisposition for hedonism, promiscuity, and the need for instant gratification. A non-existent Venus mount indicates little interest in family matters.
      • The mount under your index finger is called the Jupiter mount. If this is well-developed, it means you are dominant, possibly self-centered, and aggressive. A lack of one means you lack confidence.

These are a couple of insights on how to read and interpret the palm of a person. This will come in handy when you want to know more about yourself and others as well.

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